Friday, August 13, 2010

American hockey promo, fuck yeah!

"Permission to terrorize Ohio State University? Over. *PSHH*"

You know those pump-up videos hockey team shows on the jumbo-tron in anticipation for the player entrance? Well imagine pitching this idea to the Alaska Nanooks marketing team...

As a large boat attempts to maneuver through the cracking ice in the arctic, it appears to awaken a frozen, giant, polar bear submerged in the ice below.  Angry (or constipated) with electric rage shown in his eyes, the bear was ready to seek revenge on whomever disrupted its hibernation. In a fist of fury, the bear begins to generate electricity from his palms and magically creates a giant hockey stick in which the bear gives it's best Paul Bunyon impression and completely destroys the boat, chopping it in half with the aforementioned stick, creating a large, fiery, Michael Bay-like explosion...

Cut-scene to the bear flying in a jet plane, along with two of his bear friends in jet planes of their own. As they continue soaring through the skies, they decide to drop missiles on college rival campus' like they don't give a damn. Meanwhile, as each school burns down in a fiery blaze, the polar bear decides to deploy a few more missiles into active, erupting volcanoes subsequently, blowing up the entire world. As the world continues to explode in the background, the bear continues to fly into space...

The polar bear then decides to break the space-time barrier by flying through a black hole for whatever reason. As the bear goes further into the black hole, the jet plane dissipates into thin air from the extreme velocity it's traveling. The bear then Superman's through the roof of an arena on a small planet and dangles a puck on ice with his electric-energized hockey stick and takes a slap shot which causes the net to be engulfed in flames.

For the TL;DR crowd, just watch this...

To quote the highest rated comment...
"What the fuck did I just watch?"

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Dear readers

Watch your back for deers....they're learning...

Saturday, August 7, 2010


This is called "Phone-tos" (phone + photos...clever, eh?). The idea of this topic is to share pictures I've recently taken from my beloved Blackberry Bold 9700 which features a not-so great, but somewhat adequate 3.2mp camera.

(edit: Thanks to Hora for pointing out my ignorance about photography lol)

Some pictures I'll feature may have a theme, might be just plain random, maybe lame attempts at being artistic, or just strange/funny/weird images I wanted to post. But really it's just pictures I can't really dedicate a whole post to, and another idea to fill up this blog with a reoccuring topic.

But anyways, with my very first edition of Phone-tos, I would like to introduce this introspective rendition of my artistry (but not really) 2-piece collection I would like to call "The Popping of the Cherry"...

Prose + Crastination in 3D: It was bound to happen

The perspective of a security guard bored on break

Friday, August 6, 2010

Marco Brambilla's "Civilization"

I had the pleasure of staying at The Standard Hotel in West Hollywood last Spring and enjoyed their trendy, sleek and hip furnishings. Sure I appreciated their "complimentary" Patron cocktail drink (inside joke), but they didn't have a cool elevator like their New York City location has...

Zoomed out version of the mural featured in the elevator of The Standard Hotel, NYC

The picture doesn't do this piece of art any justice so please watch the short video here.

Italian-born Canadian artist Marco Brambilla (in collaboration with production company Crush) created this innovative video mural depicting the ascension from hell to heaven as the elevator reaches higher levels (and vice versa when traveling down the 18-storey building towards the lobby), constructing one of the most amusing elevator rides you may ever have...

A view of the mural from inside the elevator

If you pay attention to the video, you'll notice it involves sampled film clips within the entire motion collage (waste a few minutes to try and spot what movies were sampled). The time, effort, detail and thought they put into this project is really mind blowing. Could video murals be the new age version of canvas oil paintings?

Go here for more info on "Civilization" and a Q&A with Marco Brambilla:

Check out Marco's website for more of his work as well:

Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Black Keys

Before I go on, I should explain how big of a fan I am of producer/artist/musician Brian "Danger Mouse" Burton. I first discovered him from his collaborative efforts with MF Doom (Danger Doom), Gorillaz, Gnarls Barkley, and his brilliant "The Grey Album" project which featured a mashup of The Beatles and Jay-Z. From then on I figured everything he was involved in was musically gold to me. I even got to listen to his rare works of his instrumental albums when he went by the moniker "Pelican City".

His recent projects are still in rotation on my iPod ("Dark Night of the Soul" with Sparklehorse and "Broken Bells" by Broken Bells) and his most recent work with The Black Keys...

Rolling Stone's described them as a "two-man combo with a big-band mind"

The american blues-rock duo of Dan Auerbach and Patrick Carney's latest work "Brothers" is a garage blues album and something I've been digging since day one ever since I listened to their lead single "Tighten Up". To my understanding this album isn't entirely produced by Danger Mouse unlike their past album "Attack & Release" (which I've yet listened to) and that this band used to have a different sound before Danger Mouse worked with them. But either way, I think they're dope...

Yup, dope shit. Thank you Danger Mouse for this discovery.

A trip down memory lane

Just the other day at Yannie's house while setting up the ping pong table (which by the way, I held an embarassing 0-3 doubles record haha), we found an old school SNES game box of NHLPA Hockey '93...

Back when Chelios wasn't old, and The Russian Rocket was the star in Vancouver

Interesting to note, it's an NHLPA licensed based game, and nothing to do with the NHL. Which means EA didn't have the permission to use NHL based property and information such as team logos (note that there's no crest on the goalies jersey). However, the most interesting fact was discovering the price of this video game...

Holy cow, still $70 bucks a game back in the...wait, what the--EATON?!?

I can guess sometime in 1993, this was bought brand new. So in retrospect, the pricing of games hasn't changed nearly a decade later. One thing this discovery proved? There's a better chance a large retail department store will become defunct before the price of new video games will drop.

MASH "soda-pop" is the shiz

Speaking of hot weather, nothing is more refreshing then a light, refreshing, carbonated drink to quench your thirst. I had the pleasure of tasting one of the greatest "soda-pops" I've ever tried about a week ago...

It's like a tastebud orgasm, in a bottle.

Shaped in an unusual 591mL bottle with a wide-mouth opening, I found this sweet gem at a local produce market out by the highway in Richmond. The reason why I quote the "soda-pop" when describing this beverage is because MASH doesn't describe itself as a "soda pop", but more of a "carbonated water-drink". I'll let you read the informative, yet honest, label the company describes its product...

"It's not 100% juice, it's not soda-pop, nor will you get energy or vitamins from it..."

It comes in 4 flavours: Grapefruit Citrus Zing, Lemon Peel Ginger Root, Pommegranate Blueberry, and Ripe Mango Blood Orange. I opted for the Lemon Peel Ginger Root flavour (which is essentially ginger ale) and man was it delicious. Maybe I'm overhyping it because I was really thirsty at that point, but it was truely unlike any other carbonated drink I tried. It doesn't leave your teeth gritty from the sugar, it's not overly sweet, and the carbonation is just right.

If you're a soda-pop/carbonated water enthusiast, or just plain thirsty for a non-massed produced bubbly drink, I recommend you give this Australian beverage brand a shot (if you're ever so lucky to find it somewhere, as it appears to be a rarity in grocery store and deli shop fridges).

Check out their website for more:

Whoops (part deux)

Hmm...Good idea, Lu

Another case of notpostinganything-itis. So my last couple of weeks were filled with disappointment, including having the Sofa King's season cut short of a championship title in the playoffs, and not landing a job which I spent hours trying to type up the perfect email cover letter for.

However, these disappointments aren't all filled with resentment. I guess my spring hockey season is a success personally as I didn't endure any major injuries and I got the most value out of my league fees (unlike my winter hockey season). As for not landing the job, at least I look ahead with another cover letter under my belt as it feels like my letters only improve each time I send one out.

As for what's going on now, I just applied for a few classes for the Fall semester. I'm also in the process to apply for another job opportunity for an organization I could only dream working for. The great thing about it is it's specified for students, however I could only imagine how many others are lining up for this opportunity as well. Although I'm pretty sure other applicants applying will be far more qualified then me, I figure there's no harm in trying. I just have to impress them with the greatest cover letter I could ever type!  

Anyways, I hear the forecast predicts a 23°C mainly sunny Thursday evening in Burnaby, with a chance of a crap load of posting on today. I'm also liking what Lu's thinking today...I think I'll drop by Macs later.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Where are you Lupe Fiasco?

After releasing 2 critically acclaimed albums, crossing over as a mainstream success, and creating a respectable fanbase, you'd think he wouldn't face such a large problem like releasing a completed album. Of course, he's another victim to music industry politics as Atlantic Records (to which Lupe belongs to) won't release his upcoming album "Lazers" until he releases a commercial single they are happy with.

Maybe I'm a bit naive to this whole ordeal since it frequently happens to artists...
but the fact that it's knowingly completed and not being listened to, kinda sucks

...maybe they're hoping he'll strike gold like how labelmate B.o.B. did?

(Click here for irony of that whole twist)

There's even an online petition (i'm #5378) for this whole fiasco --- hohoho puns!

Anyways I'll just be patiently waiting like every other Lupe fan...
For now, check out Mr. Fiasco's latest works below:

"I'm Beamin"

Janelle Monae - "Tightrope (Wondamix)"
Ft. B.o.B & Lupe Fiasco

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

N.A.S.A. - "Way Down"

(featuring RZA, Barbie Hatch, & John Frusciante)

One of my favorites on N.A.S.A.'s album The Spirit of Apollo. Although I guess this song is intended to be about the gang violence in Southern Cali, I could see this being a great soundtrack for a movie trailer...

...Small town musician moves to California on a limb to jump start his career as a rockstar. Confliction arises when a record label offers a remarkable record deal, but only at the expense of giving up his artistic freedom and to become a slave to their marketing machine. Meanwhile, he balances his sanity with the only sane advice he could find in Hollywood from a local music producer who battles with drug addiction and alcoholism. At the crossroads between choosing to keep his artistic integrity or gaining fame and fortune, he tries to figure out if this sinful, corrupted lifestyle is right for him...

...or something like that.

Anyways check out the album if you could...
It's a really cool, experimental hip hop album with a shit load of guest artists.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


It only took less than a week for me to miss a couple days of posting.
I probably have a total of 0 readers right now so whatever lol.

 Also one of my posts

Anyways the next couple weeks could be the highlight of my summer so...

Random gif time (MRI of a cantolope):

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Phrases that rhyme with "Prosecrastination"

  • close rafter racing
  • froze after waiting
  • no chapter pacing
  • so? slap her face in
  • Joe's masturbating

Friday, July 16, 2010

OK Go - "End Love" music video

This is such a cool music video. I have no idea what the magic was to create this, because it convincingly looks like a continuous shot (especially with the continuity of the background).

Best part is the goose lol (yes it's real)


I'm giving blogging another shot

even though it's inevitable that this becomes abandoned into a cesspool of fail


So let's all procrastinate together and read my blog :)

- a to the ndy