Thursday, August 5, 2010

Whoops (part deux)

Hmm...Good idea, Lu

Another case of notpostinganything-itis. So my last couple of weeks were filled with disappointment, including having the Sofa King's season cut short of a championship title in the playoffs, and not landing a job which I spent hours trying to type up the perfect email cover letter for.

However, these disappointments aren't all filled with resentment. I guess my spring hockey season is a success personally as I didn't endure any major injuries and I got the most value out of my league fees (unlike my winter hockey season). As for not landing the job, at least I look ahead with another cover letter under my belt as it feels like my letters only improve each time I send one out.

As for what's going on now, I just applied for a few classes for the Fall semester. I'm also in the process to apply for another job opportunity for an organization I could only dream working for. The great thing about it is it's specified for students, however I could only imagine how many others are lining up for this opportunity as well. Although I'm pretty sure other applicants applying will be far more qualified then me, I figure there's no harm in trying. I just have to impress them with the greatest cover letter I could ever type!  

Anyways, I hear the forecast predicts a 23°C mainly sunny Thursday evening in Burnaby, with a chance of a crap load of posting on today. I'm also liking what Lu's thinking today...I think I'll drop by Macs later.


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